Fill out this link: or scan the QR code on the poster ->

If you have any questions, contact the Ivy team at

Additional rules and information are listed below:

We accept all types of literary and visual art. This includes, but is not limited to: short stories, essays, poetry, photography, drawings, comics, sculptures (in the form of photography), sketches, prints, knitted pieces, and illustrations.

We are also accepting video art for our online platforms. This includes, but is not limited to short films, music and dance.

All submissions are reviewed and voted upon anonymously.


Submission Guidelines

  1. The work you submit must be your own - not your friends', not traced, not using or derived from any copyrighted material (no fanworks). Fair use doctrine is the exception.

  2. Keep it PG-13.

  3. Maximum 4 pieces - choose your best! (Submitting one poem and one painting still counts as two submissions)

  4. Submit to if difficulties with the google form arise, and include your name and the medium of the piece(s).

  5. Title your pieces. “Untitled” is acceptable, but try to create a unique title so it's distinct!

  6. If you are submitting a visual piece - please photograph/scan it at a high resolution (300 DPI). Don't know how to do this? Contact us and we'll set up a time and date to do it for you.

  7. If you are submitting a literary piece - please attach it as a PDF or share it with us via Google Drive.

  8. If you believe that your piece needs background or concept information that will either add to your piece or is a necessary part to understanding it, please include a small blurb in your submissions email. We do not guarantee that this information will be published and we will email you if we need any other information regarding the piece.

  9. A few disclaimers from our end:

    • Your piece may be over-laid or under-laid by text or other pieces (for example a poem being printed over a part of a painting). We take special care that all pieces retain their unique aesthetic and meaning.

    • Any pieces submitted may be cropped or the dimensions slightly altered in order for the piece to fit into our spreads.

    • Your piece may be shown on our social media pages, on our website, on our marketing materials, or as a front/back cover to our magazine.

    • We will contact you for approval if our staff deems any large edits not listed above necessary.